Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm Ready

So school is finally done. I took my psychology test on Monday and my political science test on Tuesday. I haven't gone and checked to see if grades have been posted but I'm hoping to walk away with at least a B in both classes. Right about now though I'm just glad to be done all together! It's a relief not to have those to worry about any more. I am sad to see my close relationship with Wendy's and Taco Bell come to an end. They have been good to us the last several months when I didn't have time to cook. But I suppose now I can re-establish my relationship with my kitchen. I know my stove has felt quite neglected. Additionally I think my laundry is looking forward to finally being folded instead of being in limbo on the couch. Maybe, just maybe I'll get my house pulled together before the baby comes.

Speaking of the baby. I went to my Doctor's appointment today. Things are going well. He is head down and fairly low which she said is a good sign. I have been having small sporadic contractions which she said is normal and also a good sign. And finally she checked for dilation (not sure if that's the actual word for it but I'm going to run with it) and I'm 2 cm dilated. I'm not sure that means a whole lot but I was happy to hear that there is some progression. So I'll go back next Wednesday and we'll see how he's doing. So far it seems like things are at least on track. I've told him that he can break his lease early but come May 27th he's being evicted! I guess we'll see. In the meantime I'll keep y'all posted.

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