Saturday, April 29, 2006

Essentials- Check!

So I finally have all the essentials. The crib is set up in the nursery (also known as the office) and while the nursery set has not come in yet we have received some fitted sheets so it's just a matter of making the bed. We also have the pack and play which we can set up if we decide to bring him into our room. We'll have to see how it goes. And then today my friend Whitney and I went and picked up the carrier/stroller combo which also has the carseat base. It's exciting, that was the last of the essentials!

Anyway, we made a morning of it since we had to travel to Altamonte to pick up the stroller. We had so much fun walking through Babies R Us. Then it was off to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch! Yummy, I forgot how good Sweet Tomatoes is. Then it was off to the mall to check out some of the cute baby stores there. We had such a good time! I'm in the process now of washing some of our purchases.

Now it's off to do grocery shopping before I need to pick up Tj from work. I feel productive. Tonight I'll work on thank you notes, finish this laundry and study for the last two tests I have this week. So I'm off!

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