Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Wow, so I think the boys are finally in bed. Talk about Sugar Rush!!!! We had a great night. Our night started when our friends Matt and Diane came over with their boys to go Trick-or-Treating around our neighborhood. It was good and the boys had a fun time. We saw lots of other of our neighbors dressed up and Trick-or-Treating.

Joel was our "Bob the Builder". We didn't get the 'real'
costume so Nama and Pa helped us get Joel this tool belt
and overalls. He was so proud of himself and his tools-
not so fond of the hard hat.

Vance was our Little Monkey. Nama saw this
costume when we were at the store and we
decided Vance NEEDED it. Perfect costume for Vance.
He had such a fun time and loved saying,
"Twick a trwee". He is such a talker!!!

Then we went and saw Nama and Pa. Of course the boys were SO excited to see Pa since he had been gone all week. Nama and Pa then went with us as we went Trick-or-Treating to some of their neighbors. Of course all the neighbors thought the boys were super cute. It was such a fun night as a family. After the Trick-or-Treating festivities we came back to the house and had soup with Nama and Pa.

The boys with Pa.

The loot. Joel and Vance enjoying their candy.

I worked a half day today. We all got dressed up and our department had a lunch. While I am a bit stressed trying to wind down some of my projects before my final day next week- it was a fun day. It's not very often that I make an appearance on this blog but here's my friend Ingry and I dressed up at work.


Amy Allred said...

AHHH, what cute costumes! Yours too. Your boys are very cute!

Thomas said...

You totally should have won the costume competition!

Linda said...

The boys look so cute in their costumes, and so do you! Sounds like you had a great night. Good luck with the move.

Courtni said...

Every time I see your kids, I can't help but think how cool it is that Joel looks like you and Vance looks like TJ. They are darling.

Rob, Brooke, Caleb, Sophie and Jake said...

You look so cute in your costume Manda! And so do the boys!! Your Halloween looks like it was really fun!