Friday, October 24, 2008

Photo Tagged

So this tag is that you have to post the 5th folder, 5th picture on your computer and then blog about it. This picture was taken December 2006. In Florida we go camping in December because that's the only time it's bearable. Joel was about 6 1/2 months old. It was actually pretty cold that night. We had just gotten done having foil dinners- the best meal that I had eaten in weeks I remember thinking. (Only a few weeks later when the pregnancy test showed positive did I realize why the foil dinners and oatmeal the next morning tasted SO good. Am I the only one who thinks food never tastes as good or as bad as when you're pregnant?!) Anyhow, this was Joel's first camping trip. We had a great time!

I tag: Tj, Kimberlee N., Diane, Rachel, Ashley.

ETA: My Aunt Linda had already done it. Oops! So Ashley I'm tagging you!

1 comment:

Linda said...

I did it when I read Kimberlee's post. Should I do it again with another folder?