Sunday, November 23, 2008

Could Life Get Any Crazier?!

So as I type this post I am anxiously waiting for time to pass so that I can go pick up Tj from the airport- in Boise, ID. Can I say that the last 3 weeks have been the longest and most action packed weeks for us in recent family history. It all started (well relatively speaking) after the boys and I dropped Tj off at the Orlando airport. He flew out to Dallas for a 3 week training course for his new job. Conveniently this was the start of the whirlwind packing and moving fest that would envelope our family.
The following week was my last week at work which was met with mixed emotions. There are a few people that I'm going to miss working with and the sense of accomplishment and recognition that I received while working there was nice. However, I am looking forward to being home with the boys full time and the new adventure that awaits me there. I am also extremely relieved to be done with the drama and politics that are involved in just about any work environment.
I barely had time to breath a sigh of relief after "retiring" before I was in full packing mode. I basically had a week and a half or so to pack our entire house, tie up loose ends on one side of the state and start new housekeeping on the other side all while entertaining and keeping tabs on the boys. I am so blessed that the boys are such good kids and that we had 24 hour a day Noggin (how I will miss Noggin and on-demand cable). Even though I tried to schedule the move as best I could it was still a mad dash at the end. Then it was off to establish our new home on the other side of the state.
Once we got there it seemed to be a series of unfortunate events. I won't go into it but I will say that if anyone ever relocates to the south western coast of Florida let me tell you what rental company NOT to use. So anyhow, we FINALLY started to get settled there and met some really great people at church. I am really excited to get to know these neat people better.
Anyhow, we then left for Boise for the Thanksgiving holiday. We're really excited to spend so much time with the Idaho family and friends. The boys have had a ball playing with their cousins and are doing SO well despite having daddy gone for so long, being dragged all over the country and dealing with the time difference. Anyhow, here are some of the latest pictures of the boys.

Joel visiting with his cousins at Chicago Connection.
(Chicago Connection is a pizza place in Boise that
has the BEST pizza ever, coming from a gal who
isn't that crazy about pizza to begin with.)

Vance likes Chicago Connection pizza too!

Mom and the boys in front of the train at the
Boise Depot. Joel was so mesmerized by the
this train!

Pa and the boys in front of the fireplace. The
boys are LOVING the cold weather. It must
be in their blood. :)

The boys trying on their winter attire in FL.


Courtni said...

I'm impressed that you stayed sane...I can't even fathom doing that move by yourself. Hope you get some good down time in Idaho!

Linda said...

You go girl! You're going to win the Go With the Flow prize. Have a great time in Boise!

Hill said...

I hope your move went well. I know you were very busy. I read this quote once
“If you want something to get done, ask a busy woman to do it.” It looks like you did a a good job.. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Diane said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Call me when you get a chance!

Tj said...

That shot of Vance licking the plate is an instant classic! Looks like he really does have some of my genes.

Rob, Brooke, Caleb, Sophie and Jake said...

Hi Manda! I'm glad you got through your move and that things are going well now! Have a great vacation and a Happy Thanksgiving!! I miss you!