Sunday, October 19, 2008


So Joel is going through quite a phase lately. Mostly it's this whole switch thing. I swear it's going to drive me batty. He's obsessed with switching switches "on". Of course he's not tall enough to turn them off. So I'm constantly walking into empty rooms with lights, fans, and random switches (the ones that who knows what they actually "go" to but are there just the same) turned on. So I'm getting ready to go to bed and I go into check on the boys (sorry for the messy room shot) and the light is on bright as day and both boys are completely out! I don't know why I found this so funny (maybe I'm overtired?). But it was humorous to me just the same.

The other part of Joel's latest stage isn't so funny. Well I guess not to me- right now. He is SO freakin' bossy! The worst is that he's a back seat driver---- at TWO!!! Seriously, I'm driving around with him and Vance in their car seats and he starts telling me, "Mommy, no. Not this way. Stop mommy, not this way!" Who is this child?! I'm reminded of a magnet that my mom had for years on her fridge (it may still be there) that said something to the effect of, "Kids, are you tired of being harassed by your parents? Hurry move out now while you still know all the answers." I think I have a long parenting road ahead of me. lol


Tj said...

Where did Joel get a NAP blanket from? Jeez I've only been gone for 8 hours. That kid is spoiled rotten.

Theres a small chance that Joel gets his bossiness from me :)

Linda said...

It is so great to read about your family; what cute and fun little boys. How blessed you are!

LucyH said...

LOL! The backseat driver is hilarious!

Amy Allred said...

I have always wondered if any of my old classmates had blogs. I'm glad you came across me. Your boys are very cute. Keep in touch.