Friday, October 08, 2010

Why Why Why?!

Why is it that I have so hard a time "finding" time to read my scriptures but will devour a novel within three days?

Why is it that I will peruse blogs during as much free time as I can afford but never "have time" to update my own?

Why is it that if I'm not home all day I have boundless energy but when I'm home the minute nap times hits I'm exhausted?!

Why is it that I always get craft projects 98% finished and then have them sit on my counter for weeks?

Just a few things running around in my head. I'm off to read scriptures before the boys wake up from naps and maybe even finish the latest craft project so I can FINALLY get it in the mail (as Grandparents Day was practically a month ago and these were suppose to be Grandparent Day gifts). And maybe if I'm doing really good I'll get a real blog post up today too!

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