Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our first CA Camping Trip

So last weekend we went camping. I have to say that one of the reasons we were so excited to move back to the West was for the mountain camping. Our experiences with camping in FL usually occurred between December and February and were quite different from what we were used to growing up. I mean we were camping in the swamp for all intents and purposes. While we have fond memories of those trips we were really excited to get in a camping trip before it gets too cold. So Tj took a day off work and we went for a long weekend.
Our camping site was about as idealistic as we could have possibly imagined. There was the perfect tent site right next to a little creek. Up near the road was a picnic table, fire pit and barbecue. And the best part (at least for me) was there was a "real" bathroom on the other side of the camp ground. There were probably about 8 individual camp sites where we were but it wasn't too crowded. Although we were surprised at how busy it was on a random weekend.Anyhow, the camping trip was a HUGE success. The boys spent SO much time playing together in the creek. We went on a couple of small little hikes (in which Vance whined THE ENTIRE time, hence why they were short). We cooked over the fire, roasted marshmallows (or shmarshmellows as the boys called them) and hot dogs- although not at the same time. We told funny stories around the camp fire and slept in the tent. It was a really good time! Here are some pictures from our trip.

The boys playing in the creek.

Joel on our hike

Tj and the boys on our hike.

The boys were so excited to get to use their flashlights!

Mommy and her boys.

Vance on Day 2 Hike
(Doesn't he look so big!)

Joel climbed with daddy to the middle of
the river on the rocks.

The boys playing as we stopped on our hike.
I will admit that I spent most of the trip like this- nose in a book.

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