Saturday, September 11, 2010

And We're Settled- kind of.

So we're in our new place. It was a fairly painless process except for the 20 or so items that didn't make it from Florida. We'll see how easy the claim and replacement process is. But we're settled and are enjoying our new place. We have had to get a little creative since we had to downgrade from a 3 bedroom to a 2 bedroom (thank you CA). But it's a nice little place and we're glad to be here for the next two years. The boys are enjoying rediscovering all their toys and just having a place to play. It has been such a stress reducer to just have them have a place of their own! And I will admit I am LOVING having my craft stuff back (which is why this blog post may or may not have been delayed). Unfortunately our card table (which I use for a sewing table) is one of the things that was lost during the move so I haven't been able to do my sewing but all in good time.

Then after we got moved in the kids and Tj all got colds/allergies/viruses. We have finally recovered and decided to go out and enjoy the sights that aren't too far from our house.

Joel, Vance and Mommy on the trail.

Vance taking a break- bringing up his blood sugar.
He was having a few melt downs during our adventure.
Luckily the way back was less whiny.

Don't stare at the wildlife while they're eating.

And no adventure would be complete
without a little rock climbing.

Vance making his way down.

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