Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Shameless Scentsy Plug

So I've debated and debated about doing this post. But I'm going to plug my newest endeavor with shameless abandon because as I've said before if you can't do it on your own blog where can you?!

Have you heard about Scentsy?! I love these things. If you haven't seen and better yet SMELLED them you're missing out! You can visit my website: If you haven't been introduced to Scentsy let me explain it in a nutshell: they're warmers that use a light bulb to melt scented wax. There are over 80 scents (my favorite are Cinnamon Bear and Honey Pear Cider) that come in bars, sprays, car tins and scent circles. And just this season they've also come out with Scentsy Buddies, these use a scent pack zippered into a plush animal to freshen up a room, and Fragrance Foam- no alcohol hand sanitizer. So if you're interested head over to my website where you can conveniently place an order that will be shipped directly to you.

And now to our regularly scheduled blogging.


RiKenna Elle said...

I WANT ONE!!! These sound easy and i'm always up for getting yummy smelling things!

LucyH said...

you hardly ever post pictures of youself and you are so beautiful!!! Your boys are so cute too!

Kristen said...

good for you! love the honey pear cider!