Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Joel the Fish

I don't know if this happens to all parents but I'm guessing to some degree or another it does. It seems like every once in awhile I turn around and am surprised at how grown up he's gotten. This summer has been like that.

Not a week and a half ago Joel was terrified of swimming without his life vest. We had been practicing with him off and on for more than a year but even when he would swim he'd kind of doggie paddle refusing to put his face in the water. But one day it clicked for him and now he's a little fish. Click on the video below to see.

Today we were walking through Target and there was a display of OFF! Bug Spray. Joel looks and says "Mom, it says 'Off'". I asked him how he knew it said off and he said it was because he saw the "o-f-f". My baby is already getting ready to read! Wow, unbelievable.

He's still our tender-hearted little boy. He has lots of friends and was sorely missed by his friends (and their parents) while he was in Idaho. He always makes me feel like a chef rockstar as he exclaims how dinner every night is the best thing he's ever had. One night at dinner he said "Mom, you've got to give me this recipe! It's so delicious!" It was hilarious. In less than a month he'll start school and he's so excited! He's ready and will do amazing. I'm going to miss him but I'm looking forward to see how he grows and I know he'll love it.

1 comment:

jonelle said...

Joel is an amazing swimmer. I can't believe how much both he and Vance have improved. Daily swimming is a definite plus of California living.