Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Preview

So life had been pretty crazy.  Once February hit life pretty much revolved around the yearbook.  It escalated from there until April.  I feel like all I said to the boys in March was "We can do that once the yearbook is done."  "We will play once the yearbook is done and turned in."  "Mommy can't because I'm working on the yearbook."  So once it was all turned in a HUGE weight was lifted and I felt like I got my life back.  Of course the blog continued to be neglected but I'm back and hoping to be better.

I LOVE this time of year.  I have to admit that this has not always been my favorite time of year.  Mother's Day is always hard when you dream of being a mom and that is pushed back and pushed back for whatever reason.  This year Mother's Day got kicked off early.  Thursdays Joel's school had their Mother's Day Brunch.  It was fantastic!  I LOVED it.  Joel was SO cute- although his buddy Jordan stole the show!  It was a cute show with four little songs all the kindergarteners sang, followed by a cute video presentation.  Apparently I look the prettiest when I go to baby showers, according to Joel.  =) 

Joel during the program.
Mommy and Joel
Joel and his friends Jordan, Aubrey and Gregory.
More friends: Gregory, Jafar and Ethan.
Joel and his teacher, we LOVE her!

Not to be outdone Vance has also been working hard to make my Mother's Day special.  He made me a special gift at church last week.  Then at preschool he made me another special gift and wilt-proof flowers.  I can't wait to open them on Sunday.  Such a fun time.  I LOVE these boys.  While I appreciate the work they've done to make my Mother's Day special they truly are the best gifts every day of the year. 

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