Monday, January 23, 2012


Don't you hate it when you're blog surfing and people haven't updated their blogs in months and you're left sitting in front of your monitor thinking, "What the heck is wrong with these people?!" and then you realize it's your blog? Oh, maybe it's just me.

But really I can't believe it's been three months since I've updated my blog. So here's a brief rundown of what we've been up to.

As mentioned in my last post Tj's parents came to visit us in October. We did lots of fun things with them including going to the pumpkin patch. They also got to be here for our church's children's program called the Primary Sacrament Meeting Program which is a culmination of all the things they've learned in Primary throughout the year.
The boys at the Pumpkin Patch.

The family among the pumpkins.
Pa and a Scary Scarecrow.

We celebrated Halloween with both of the boys having parties at their school and being able to wear their costumes to school. The boys got TONS of use out of their costumes this year because we also went to our church's Halloween party (haven I blogged about that already?!). We also went trick or treating and got WAY too much candy. This year we were introduced to the Switch Witch which trades all the kids' Halloween candy for a toy. The candy then was taken to work with daddy. :)
Vance (Captain America there on the left) during
his class performance.

Joel at his class party.

Vance with his friends Camden and Matthew
at the church party.

The boys during the costume parade at the church.

Thanksgiving was a quiet affair around here. We stayed in California and had dinner with some friends of ours around here. (I know I took a few pictures from Thanksgiving but I don't know where I stored them.)

We took a field trip with some of our friends to the Natural History Museum in November which was really fun. The boys had SO much fun together and Vance LOVED showing Joel around the museum.

December was a CRAZY month for our family. Between class parties, volunteering in Joel's class, Christmas parties, etc. we were busy! Unfortunately, I not only was on a blogging hiatus but also a photo taking hiatus. So I have very few pictures from December.

The boys decorating cookies with our friends the Bouches.
Vance and Braden decorating cookies.

Joel and Alyssa getting ready to decorate.

Joel and Santa's helper at the church party.

The boys with Santa's helper.

Vance and Santa's helper.

While we tried to remind the boys the true meaning of the Christmas season I thought this was cute. The boys combing the toy catalog together.

Another funny thing that happened this Christmas season happened with the Little People Nativity. I always keep it down where the boys can play with it and act out the nativity. Tj and I found it a bit hilarious (and a bit blasphemous) when the boys would begin acting like the wise men and the animals were the bad guys and then baby Jesus the Super Hero would fly in and save the day. Man, I love those kids.

The end of December was super busy. We drove out to Idaho the Thursday before Christmas ALL night long. We were then able to stay for awhile and visit family. (More about that later.)

We rung in the New Year there in Idaho. And that pretty much brings us up to the end of the year.

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