Monday, January 23, 2012

December in Idaho 2011 edition.

We spent Christmas in Idaho. We were hoping for snow and Tom, Cindy and Tj were hoping to teach the boys to ski (I was looking forward to spending some quality time in the lodge with hot chocolate). Unfortunately, the weather wasn't working in our favor. Luckily, we still had a good time with family even if it was without snow.

So in no particular order here are photos from our weeks in Idaho.

Mommy and her silly boys.

We went and found snow one weekend.
Here's Jay, me and Bergen.

Vance and Joel with their swords from Nama and Pa.
(No not Christmas, just a gift from Grandpa Clause.)

We had a little get together one night with family
and some friends. Here are all the kids at the party.

Vance, Joel, Bergen and Traye
before the attack. :)

Jesse, Jeremy, Kaden, Joel and Vance
at the lights in the South Hills.

Tom with all the kids at Chicago Connection.
(Trip 1 of 4)

The boys trying on their snow gear.
(Notice the lack of snow.)

The boys and Pa getting hot chocolate Christmas Eve
while looking at Christmas lights.

The boys with Uncle Dennis on his golf cart.

1 comment:

Steve and Donna said...

looks like fun even w/o the snow