Monday, October 10, 2011

Vance Update: Oct 2011

Vance is my mighty-mini-man. He continues to be a bit on the small size- but not for lack of eating! That kid has an AMAZING metabolism. :) Of course all kids go through phases but if he continued eating like he is right now Tj'd have to get a second job just to buy groceries. Vance really wants to grow up so he can FINALLY ride in a booster seat in the car- unfortunately it's probably a ways off for him.

Vance likes going to preschool most days. He's still my little snuggle buddy though and most days would prefer to hang out with me- although once he's there he thrives and has a really good time! He's become really good friends with Miss Mel's son Ryan and loves playing with him. He loves to paint, draw and has even learned the Pledge of Allegiance. He's super smart and witty. I constantly laugh (or groan depending on the scenario) with the things he comes up with. The other day we were driving and here's our conversation:

V: Mommy, what did the banana say but the tree?
Me: What?
V: what did the banana say but the tree?
Me: I don't know.
V: Nothing trees don't talk. (Insert laughing here)

I did have to explain the use of "to" and "but". It was a funny conversation though. I have no idea where he heard that joke but it totally made me laugh.

Vance does not want to be left behind in anything Joel is doing. So shortly after Joel learned to snap Vance started practicing snapping as well. Now we have two more good snappers in our house. He will occasionally practice handstands with Joel. However, as soon as Tj gets home from work Vance attacks him and begs him to wrestle. We need more space for the three boys to wrestle- or at least a yard. :)

Vance likes to "read" too. Of course he prefers to be read to but if Joel is reading then Vance wants to read too. He especially loves "The Monster at the End of this Book." It's hilarious to hear him read it with the same voice inflections that Tj and I use when we read it.

Vance is truly my little sweet heart. I get woken up every morning with little pitter patter of Vance coming in to snuggle before we get up. He still loves his "fuzzy blanket" and it's so sweet when he offers to share it with someone who's sad or hurt. He loves to snuggle and be with his family. He will often pucker up his lips to give me kisses wherever we are: home, Michael's, church, before bed, or when I'm leaving somewhere. He really is my little buddy. It's fun to have so much time with him- just the two of us- although we both miss Joel when he's at school.

When we were visiting my brother's
family Vance was coloring with markers and
accidentally drew on his nose.
Then when he was telling me about it he drew on it again.
It was pretty funny.

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