Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Dentist: Act II

So can we just pretend that this is LAST Tuesday?! I thought so.

We took Vance to his first visit. I have to admit I was a lot less apprehensive this time. Although not entirely relaxed because Vance chips his teeth a lot (apparently he grinds them according to Dr. C.) but it's not a big deal right now so after that I was able to relax. I'm actually not dreading their next appointment in September. :) It turned into a whole family affair this time around. Tj had gotten home early from work so he decided to go and Joel's play-date got canceled due to the stomach flu. You know it's a good dentist when your child chooses hang out at the dentist over stay home with daddy. lol

Vance got X-Rays of his teeth.
He did a great job sitting there and wasn't at all nervous.

While we waited for the dentist the boys played video games.

Dr. C checking and cleaning Vance's teeth.
No cavities! Yay!

Vance getting his teeth cleaned.
He chose blue raspberry flavored toothpaste.

We have always been pretty good about brushing teeth but now the boys always remind me to floss their teeth too. :) I was also a bit concerned for a little while because in one of the other rooms there was a kid who was NOT liking being at the dentist. I was afraid that once Vance heard the kid screaming (and he was screaming and having a melt-down) Vance would get uncooperative. But he handled it like a champ. (Thank goodness he had gotten an early nap!)

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