Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Recap- Part I

We hope that everyone had a really great Christmas! Here is a recap of our Christmas in pictures.

Santa brought the boys matching Buzz Lightyears.

Opening my stocking.
I think I'm the only morning person in the family.

Joel casing the tree trying to find his presents.

Action shot of Vance.

This is one of Vance's favorite books called "No, David!"
We check it out from the library ALL the time.
Now he can read it whenever he wants!

Nama found this AWESOME scooters for the boys.
Joel has mastered it and can go SO fast.
This was him trying it out (and the only time he's ridden it w/o a helmet).

Vance got one too. He's pretty good at it too.

Tj modeling his steal of a deal.
This is a Calvin Klein 100% Cashmere coat.
The outlet mall was having a HUGE sale and Tj's parents got this
for him at basically 1/4 of the original price.
He's got some work in the DC area in the near future
and this will come in handy.

1 comment:

Brian and Janette said...

How fun, Manda! Your boys are the perfect Christmas age. You have quite the attractive little family...glad to see that you all enjoyed your Christmas! Happy New Year!