Monday, September 21, 2009

An "Ah- Ha!" moment captured- part II

I've been up for about 4 hours with a really bad migraine. Usually this is not a blessing. But tonight I'm grateful (except for the sensitivity to light and movement, the intense pain and the vomiting) because it has allowed me a lot of time to sit and ponder. It is a rare thing for me to lay still and just think without being interrupted by this chore or someone needing one thing or another. And so I've been thinking and now that my migraine medicine has kicked in I've felt the need to write down some of the things I've had on my mind.

For 6 years I worked for a company in their quality department. Lately I've been looking on that time with rose colored glasses. There were definitely some growing experiences for me during that time but for the most part I remember that time fondly. Lately though I had been looking at my time there and almost regretting (for lack of a better word) my decision to be a full time mom. Working had it's struggles but it also had benefits. One of the biggest was that I was really good at what I did. The company that hired me took a risk at hiring a 20 year old girl who didn't have a lot of real world experience but was willing to learn. There was quite a learning curve but ultimately I was good at my job. And because I was good at my job I got a lot of positive feedback; from my supervisors, from other departments and from customers internal and external. One of the main reasons I was good at my job though was because I put a lot of effort into being good at it. I had my organizational systems, I created "to-do" lists, I made a conscious effort to meet or exceed deadlines.

Lately I have 'fallen prey' to the monotony that can be stay-at-home-motherhood. But as I lay here pondering a piece of advice that I was once given kept coming to mind: "Teach your children the gospel while they are young. Do not wait until they are in their teens for this is far too late." It was such a simple thought but yet so profound and powerful. If I want to be fulfilled in my role of wife and mother I need to put as much effort into this job as I had my other job. I want my children to have an understanding of who they are and where they came from. I want to teach my children the stories in the scriptures. And moreover they want to learn! And so it's my responsibility to teach them these things that I have often taken for granted. And furthermore, it's my responsibility to make it a priority!

As I caught hold of this idea it was like my mind had been opened. Ideas for how to implement these new priorities came flooding. The importance of having family scripture study every morning became clear. Ideas for making these scripture studies continue through our daily routine and applied to today came readily. I know my Heavenly Father is aware of me and my struggles. I know that he loves me and my children more than I can comprehend. And I know that he wants me to be successful in teaching my children about Him and His plan for them. I'm grateful for this "Ah-ha" moment, and for the migraine that triggered it.


Linda said...

What great thoughts you have shared from the gratitude you feel for a painful migraine to the whisperings of the spirit that your job as a mom is the most important one you'll ever have. What a blessing to have received this revelation in your early years of motherhood. You are loved by your Heavenly Father just as your boys are!

Shawna said...

Manda, you are such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your ah-ha moment with a fellow stay at home mom :)

Mrs. Walker said...

Love your thoughts! Thanks for sharing. It's true. Sometimes I think that just keeping my kid alive is success (and some days that's true! lol), but really I need to be nourishing him in other ways. Thanks for the reminder!

Brian and Janette said...

Thanks for your openness Manda. Going from work to staying at home was a relatively easy transition for me for the first three months of McRae's life. But, the next six months were tough and I too fell prey to the monotony. I let those tender feelings and sense of responsibility I felt at the time of his birth gradually slip away. But if I truly focus, I feel them again...and I did as I read your blog too. It truly is a grand I'm so grateful to have the opportunity of bearing!

NateandMarie said...

Thanks Manda--
It's nice to get boosts like that once in a while and reminded that we are doing something important---your boys are really cute by the way