Monday, July 07, 2008

Quick Update!

So I've been really bad about posting. But here's a quick update about the boys and some pictures. We've gotten to take several trips as a family. We took the boys to the local Zoo and they had a good time. Then we went down to Miami so Tee could renew his passport and we could enjoy some family time. Then we took the boys to the city firework display. It was such a good time. Vance LOVED the fireworks- light and sounds. Joel wasn't so enthusiastic- he was intrigued by the lights but DID NOT like the noise. The next day Pa took everyone to see Wall-E. Vance was a little young Joel LOVED the movie. He kept saying- "One Mo". Anyhow, I guess things are slowing down for us- well relatively speaking.

Joel: Joel is officially a two-year-old. For better or worse. He never fails to make us laugh. He loves music and singing. His newest favorite songs include: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (aka Beam!), The Alphabet Songs (aka ABCs), Daddy's Homecoming, oh and did I mention ABCs?! He also LOVES watching "So You Think You Can Dance", "Backyardagains" and "Thomas & Friends" and "Pinky Dinky Doo". He is always coming up with the funniest things. He is the little boss. He will watch what Vance is doing and then tell him, "No, No, Bance. No No" even if Vance is only playing with a toy Joel wants. He also is continually picking up new words and trying new words. It's late so I'm having a hard time remembering everything I wanted to write. So that's it.

Vance: Vance is growing up SO fast. Our biggest announcement with Vance is that he is walking. Yes, at 9 1/2 months he started walking and has never looked back. He also has 4 teeth and is working on a fifth. He has found his voice and loves to practice raising it. That whole cause and effect thing is hilarious to him. He loves feeding himself and is a huge fan of Puffs and Cheerios. He also loves to clap, wave and blow kisses. He is SO sweet. He is still our little cuddler and sweetie. He has no fear and loves to do whatever Joel is doing.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Your boys are adorable! Thanks for commenting on my post, I, too, am excited to keep up with family through blogs, especially those who live so far away. Love, Aunt Linda