Sunday, June 01, 2008

Joel's Second Birthday

So Joel had his 2nd Birthday on the 22nd. I can't believe how big he is getting. He is such a good kid, but we are definitely entering the "two's". We were in AZ for his birthday so before we left we had a family birthday party with Nan and Pa and daddy. Joel helped me make and decorate his birthday cake, Nan made his favorite foods for dinner (mac and cheese, chicken, fruit, bread and of course cake), we had decorations and of course presents. He got a Mr. Potato Head, some puzzles, and some craft supplies from mom and dad. Nan and Pa bought him shoes and a new bike! It was a great day and he loved it! Luckily we celebrated his birthday before we left because our trip to AZ ended up being a whirlwind especially on Joel's birthday. Anyhow, here are pictures from Joel's birthday celebration.


The High Family- said...

Joel reminds me so much of Cade. I know they would be best buddies if we lived closer. I hope your little man had a wonderful day! He really is such a handsome little man!!

One proud Mommie said...

It's hard to believe he is two years old. :) Happy belated birthday Joel. We miss having you in nursury!

Karine said...

Thanks for all the nice things you say to me :) I always appreciate your support. Happy Birthday (belated) Joel. I can't believe how fast he has grown up. WOW! Its so hard letting them grow up too. I love the baby stages.
I miss ya and hope to talk to you soon.