Thursday, January 03, 2008

Vance Update- Jan 2008

Vance is almost 5 months old. How did this happen?! I can't believe how old he is getting and he's growing so big too! He's such a happy baby. We really did win the happy baby lottery. I didn't think we could get a happier baby than Joel but Vance is. Now the opposite end of the spectrum is that when he's mad he gets MAD. But it happens so rarely that it's manageable.
So here's the latest with Vance. He is a rollin'. He loves being on his tummy and playing but often that's when he rolls over. Then he gets ticked because he doesn't really like being on his back. He's such an easy smiler. He charms everyone, especially his aunts and cousins. He also loves grabbing his toys. You can tell he's concentrating so hard to maneuver his hand to the toy. And once it's in his grasp he gets SO excited that he sometimes beans himself in the head. He loves watching what his big brother is doing. His favorite perches are his bumbo chair and his exersaucer.

Watching mommy. He'll tolerate being on his
back as long as he can see someone. He doesn't
like being alone.

Chilling in his swing at Grandma Monies.

Vance with Santa. Thanks Sandy!

Playing with his rattle that he got for Christmas!

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