Okay, can I start by saying, isn't this one of the cutest pictures you've ever seen?! They are so cute together! Joel just loves Vance and wants to help and is just so sweet and loving with him. The whole time he was holding Vance for these pictures he was just putting his head close to him and being so sweet. He's such a good kid. And Vance wants to be doing whatever Joel is. I think that they're going to be pretty close as they grow up.
Vance is mobile! He's not very quick but now in addition to being able to turn himself in circles once he turns himself on his tummy, he can also inch forward. It's so funny because he just puts his little head down into the carpet and pushes with all his might with his little feet. It's not graceful or speedy but it's progress. I'm waiting for the day he gives himself a rug burn on his forehead. So funny. He's also starting to beginning signs of teething. Absolutely everything gets gnawed on. And talk about drool city! At least I got a little bit of a break between Joel and Vance teething right?!
Joel is getting more and more entertaining every day. His current favorite word is still "Uh, oh!" He says it for EVERYTHING! Sigh--- what can you do? His vocabulary is growing. I can't remember what was in his list last time so here's his current list (that I can remember): Mom, Dad, Vance, Pa (Grandpa Tom), Nan (Grandma Cindy), eye, arm, more, done, nana (banana), juice, down, kiss, ow, one and of course the ever popular uh, oh. He's also attempting more words. If you get eye to eye with him and say it for him he'll try and repeat it. He also can point to his eyes, ears, head, nose, mouth, arm, and leg when you say the word. He loves singing and dancing. His favorite songs include Popcorn Popping, Five Monkeys Swinging From a Tree, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Pat-a-Cake. He LOVES the Jungle Book and will watch the elephant marching scene about 40 billion times (43 billion if he's watching it with Pa). He is just a riot. I know every parent probably thinks so but really I just have the best kids. Some days they drive me crazy but I wouldn't rather go crazy with anyone else. lol
Other than that Tj and I keep busy with work and everything else in life. It looks like there may be some changes in our near future (no we're not pregnant!!!). Unfortunately, it's not job related for Tj yet either. Anyhow, we're busy but we're doing well.
1 comment:
darling -- the dimples are a killer! they are priceless together, gee I wish my girls go along this well! lol Only in my dreams! thanks for sharing!!
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