Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's a ball.

So Joel just cracks me up. So Tuesday afternoon Joel just wasn't himself. He didn't take a very good nap and was just in pain. I did what I could for him but after an hour of him crying inconsolably I called the doctor and took him in. (I'll interject here that I LOVE our pediatrician. Even with an unscheduled appointment like this we were in and out of the office in about 20 minutes including the time waiting and seeing the doc. He's fantastic and his office staff is amazing!) Anyhow, it turned out Joel's tonsils and throat were red and inflamed and he had a lot of mucus building up. So the doc writes us a prescription for some antibiotics and off we go.

So I go over to Target to get the prescription filled and while we wait we begin walking through the store. We go by the toy aisles and Joel points and says "Ball!" This was the first time he saw an object and said the name! He'd repeat things and he says words but this was a first. I was so excited. So I take him closer and he says it again, "Ball!" So needless to say we came home with a small ball. Well that night I take the ball out to show Tj and I ask Joel "Joel, what is it?" and he says oh so casually, "It's a ball." Well then....., okay.

Vance has figured the fine art of pushing himself up on his elbows. His face may be saved from his attempts to be mobile after all. Yeah! And so far he's the only one who's been saved from this terrible cold or whatever it is. I'm hoping we keep it that way. Other than that not much else is going on.

Oh, Tj's pretty excited about a new toy they got at work. It's a King Air 200. I guess it looks something like this (good ole Google):

Anyhow, it's pretty nice and he's one of the first pilots at his company that will get to fly it. I guess that's one of the perks of selling your soul to Vintage. (lol) But really he's pretty excited about flying this plane. He starts on Friday. Yeah!

So that's what's going on here!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

See, he was just saving up all those words so that he could just blurt out one whole sentence at a time. Too cute.