Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Quick Joel Fix

For all of you needing your Joel fix here it is. He is getting so big he's a blast to be around. His little personality is coming out. He's really laid back until he is hungry, tired or gassy. Then he needs to have what he needs NOW! But he's just so stinking cute that you forget about all that when he smiles at you. So here's Joel!

Joel doing his tummy time. He loves this little cow that Grandma Mony and Auntie Ra Ra and Auntie Jay Jay got for him.

He's now done with tummy time. He really hasn't gotten to the point where he appreciates tummy time so he spends most of it pretty upset. But he does like spending time on his back looking around and kicking- but not so much with the tummy time.

Here's the start of one of Joel's smiles. They're so quick it's hard to capture one. It's usually when he's talking or playing that he'll give you one and so I usually don't have the camera handy. But you get the idea.

Here's Joel right before our morning walk. He was not all that impressed that he had to be out in the sun. But he's usually pretty good once we get going. And he likes his little hat.

And here's Joel sleeping. He always looks so peaceful when he sleeps. He loves his blanket from Auntie Dana. It's so soft but even with this blanket he refuses to keep his arms wrapped up.

Okay Joel has woken up and has decided he's starving to death so I've got to go. Hope you enjoy this pictures. More to come soon!

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