Thursday, June 15, 2006

Rough Night

So last night we had our first rough night. Now I don't know if it Joel just had a bad night or if it was because we were on our own since Tj's mom left yesterday afternoon but either way it made for a L-O-N-G night.
It started at midnight when Joel woke up for his feeding. He'd been a little fussy earlier in the evening but I didn't think anything of it. So I feed him, burp him and get him down and he starts to doze off and then he spits up all over! So now he's upset. I clean him up and try and get him to go back to sleep but now he thinks he's hungry. So I try to feed him again and he eats a little bit but goes right to sleep. So now I have to get him to burp half asleep- it took forever!
Anyhow, long story short take that routine and repeat it several times between midnight and 4:30 am. Literally I think I got maybe an hour of sleep.
Needless to say we slept in this morning and we've been trying to stay awake as much as possible so we don't repeat last night!
Speaking of he just woke up from his nap.

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