Saturday, June 24, 2006

One Month

So here's a picture of Joel on his one month birthday. It cracks me up how he really looks like a little man when he gets all dressed- okay so when I actually dress him. This is one of the outfits that "Auntie Kim" gave him. We went out to lunch with some of the girls from work and I got so many compliments on how cute he was- which of course I think but I am his mommy. Of course he was an angel and slept through the entire trip. I swear that carrier has magical powers.

Joel has started to find his voice and will makes sounds other than just crying. Some of them are very similiar to crying but it's fun to listen to him. He is such a happy baby. A lot of times I'll have him propped up on his boppy while I fold laundry and he will just watch and babble and sometimes smile. It makes folding laundry pretty entertaining. It's probably a good thing he makes laundry more enjoyable because he's a spitter and so I end up doing a lot of laundry. (This is where I thank everyone who gave us bibs. They have become my lifesavers so I don't have to change his ENTIRE outfit and he doesn't have to smell like sour milk!) Sometimes I am quite surprised at how far he can spit-up. Everyone warned me of the spraying you can get when you're changing little boys diapers so I was pretty prepared for that- but the spit-up is quite another story. But it's all part of the experience right?!

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