Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Tale of Two Classes

 T'was open house at the boys school tonight.  So we toured the boys classrooms.  I can't believe we're nearing the end of the school year.  It was fun to go through the boys classes.  The growth in both boys is unbelievable.  It's hard to believe that it was almost a year ago that we did this.

First up was Joel's class room.  The main theme of Joel's class was "We speak for all living things." 

Joel at his desk.

The kids planted flowers.  His teacher made the planters into "Lorax" characters.

Joel sharing his Clifford presentation.
Joel's class have baby chicks. They started as eggs in an incubator and now are in a cage.
They go back to the farm next week.  But the class has enjoyed their visit.
Seriously isn't this the greatest smile?!
Joel with Mrs. A
We LOVE her!  She's amazing this is year has been phenomenal.
Fingers crossed we get a repeat next year.

 Then we were off to Vance's class.

Vance's class had an animal theme as well. 
The owl tree.
The boys in front of the animal writing wall.
Vance wrote about whales.
Vance at his desk.

Vance and his buddy Jared.

Vance with Mrs. J
We ADORE her.  If only she would move up to 2nd grade!

It's been a great school year.  We're rounding out the year- it will be a busy couple of weeks. 

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