Saturday, April 09, 2011

A Saturday at the Children's Museum

After a couple of really long days with Tj working late that culminated in a REALLY bad day (waking up on the wrong side of the bed, cold and drizzly days, no naps, "creating blueberry pie" that used up most of their toothpaste and made a huge mess in their bathroom, and playing in their milk at dinner that resulted in early bedtime) I made the executive decision that we were leaving the house come rain, shine, hell or high water with or without Tj today. Unfortunately, it did turn out that we were without Tj- duty calls- but the weather was decent and there was no rain. So we decided to branch out of our local area and hit up a children's museum.

They boys painted a leaf.

Climbed this really cool tower.

Posed at the top of the tower.
(Yes that meant I climbed the tower too.)

Played in a spider web.
(Which turned into them playing Spiderman, of course!)

And impersonated Tj. lol

It was a fun day. We can't wait to go back!

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