Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Festivities

This year was a bit of a struggle trying to balance the fun spring traditions with the true meaning of the Easter season with the boys. I knew I was failing when the boys began referring to Easter as "Easter Bunny Day". But we tried to keep the focus on our Savior. What more can you ask for, right?!

We began the week with a family home evening lesson about the last week of the Savior's life that I found here. Then on Thursday we dyed Easter eggs.

Here is the documentation:
Joel preparing to dunk his egg.

Vance "patiently" waiting for his egg to dye.

Yes, EVERY family event has to have a silly
face from Tj. :)

Vance showing off his masculinity and Easter egg.

Joel's turn. Such macho men. :)
Tj is oh so proud. lol

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