Wednesday, February 09, 2011

A little thought on love.

With Valentine's Day just around the corner inevitably thoughts of love are brought up. This year especially I've been thinking a lot about what love is and the different forms that it's found. The boys have been exposed to the idea of "boyfriends and girlfriends" and kissing (thanks to the gym as well as friends who have teenage brothers and sisters) and so I had been thinking about the things that the world teaches about love and what I think and feel about love. My dear friend gave me Mindy Gledhill's newest CD for my birthday called "Anchor" (you can find out more about her HERE). It is such a great CD! But I love so many of the love songs on it (my previous post was inspired by one of the songs). One of my favorite songs is the title track 'Anchor' and here's my favorite line:

There are those who think that I'm strange
They would box me up and tell me to change

But you hold me close and softly say

That you wouldn't have me any other way

Here's a secret about Manda. I am incredibly self-conscious, fairly insecure and very critical of myself. I love this line because to me it sums up what I think one of the best aspects of mine and Tj's relationship. He is not only so accepting of me and who and what I am but his love is so encompassing that it does not even occur to him to want to change me. I love that if I am my own worst enemy, then Tj is my biggest champion. That is the love legacy* that I want to pass on to my boys.

*DISCLAIMER: To avoid being labeled as "one of those blogs" (you know the ones I'm talking about where everything is written with rose colored glasses) let me assure you that Tj and my relationship is far from perfect! However, that being said I love my husband and know that he loves me. And if you can't gush about that around Valentine's day when can you?! Now back to our regular programing. =)


Steve and Donna said...

so true.. gush on!

RiKenna Elle said...

Aww love it Manda! Great post. And there's also the love of your sisters. Wether you like them or not-they love you and want to be JUST like you ;)
(i'm referring back to "drag me across the carpet" days)

Diane said...

Your friends love you too and think your great just the way you are!!! I just wish we didn't live so far apart! Miss you!