Sunday, August 29, 2010

Vance's 3rd Birthday

I can't believe that it's been two weeks since Vance's birthday! Life has been super hectic and crazy around here. But more about that later. My baby turned 3! I have to admit it was a bit of an emotional day for me. The last three years have been so busy and really there's something so strange in thinking your baby is three- especially when it's probably your last.

But it was a really fun day. He got to go to the gym and show off his Batman birthday ribbon. Nama took us all to McDonald's (can't be a birthday without a trip to McDonald's.) Nama took the boys to her hotel for naps and playtime so I could make Vance's birthday cake. Nama took us all to dinner at The Elephant Bar. In a nutshell Nama made it a really great birthday! :)

Don't mind Vance's silly face- two cameras confused the boy.
Soda and nuggets, talk about doing a birthday right.

Our family at the Elephant Bar.

Vance and Mommy at dinner.

1 comment:

Steve and Donna said...

cute photo of mom and son :)