Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The ACTUAL 4th of July

Sunday the 4th was pretty low key for us. We did our normal Sunday routine and then Sunday night had some friends come over to watch the fireworks with us. Fortunately there were fireworks just up the road from us and so we walked out to the median and watched the fireworks. After the fireworks were over we came back to the house and chatted while the kids played. We couldn't believe it when we realized it was past 11pm and the kids were ALL still up. It was a really fun evening!

Rosen Family 2010

Joel and Vance with their friend Jax.
I love the facial expressions!
They were VERY excited for the fireworks.

Vance and Jax had enough of the noise.
Well Vance just wanted to be like Jax. :)

Vance and Mommy at the fireworks.

Tj and Joel watching the fireworks.

On a side note it's times like these where we're so glad to have Tj home. The boys (and me too) really love having Tj around and the excitement he brings. We're also so grateful to live in a country where we are free to chose the life we want to live and have the freedoms that we have due to the sacrifices of so many men and women and their families. With our trip to DC and the 4th of July we have really tried to start to help the boys understand the respect we have for the soldiers who fight for our country and for their families who sacrifice so much so that we can have these freedoms.


Brian and Janette said...

I love that first pic of your guys are quite the good looking group.

Kristen said...

your hair is so long! i'm glad you're doing well and have made some good friends. we miss you here though!