Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Dear Joel!

Today is my baby's third birthday. I cannot believe he is three. I know parents say that all the time. But really there are times I see my baby but those times are getting farther apart. He is truly becoming a little man. So here are some pictures for those who'd like to see them. And since at some point this will be made into a book for the boys I'm including a letter to Joel.

Dear Joel,
You turn three years old today. I am so proud of what a good boy you are. You have grown up so much this year. You are so loving to your family and your friends. Other kids are drawn to you and like to play with you because you are so kind. You are such a great big brother to Vance. He looks up to you and you are so loving towards and concerned for him. You and Vance are best friends and I am so glad for that. I hope you remain friends as you grow up. Of course you still look up to and love spending time with your Pa.
Your vocabulary and your imagination have both grown leaps and bounds this year. You speak in full sentences and love to tell stories and sing songs. You love to pretend. One of your favorite movies right now is "Man from Snowy River" and you love to pretend that you're Jim and riding a horse. You love to tell the story of Jim and Jessica and sing the song over and over again. You continue to enjoy Thomas the Train and all things involving trains but your horizons have been expanded to include Mickey Mouse, Elmo, Imagination Movers, Bob the Builder and even Spider Man. You had your first trip to Disney World's Magic Kingdom this year. You really had a lot of fun although you were just as excited to stay at a hotel as you were to go to the park.
You now can dress yourself. You can count to 15- with a little help from Mommy or Daddy. You know that Jim and Joel start with J. You are learning to swim and do really well with your life jacket and can even swim a little bit without it. As you turn three you are potty training and doing such a great job! You have given up the sippy cup and you no longer need the after-meal wash down. You are such a clean eater and when you do get food on you, you are quick to ask for a "apkin". You love cheese, chocolate milk, chicken, lemons, mangos- actually just about all fruit, fish and cheese sandwiches. Your favorite treats include jelly beans and jr mints. You are such a good eater though and will try just about anything.
Joel, your dad and I love you. You bring so much happiness and enthusiasm into our home. You literally walk with a bounce in your step. You have always been such a happy and easy going child and I feel so blessed to be your mother. Happy Birthday!

Love you!


Hill said...

Happy Birthday Joel!

The High Family- said...

You are such a sweet mom, that you can tell loves her little guys! Happy belated birthday Joel! He is such a cute kid!!