Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beach Bums

What's this?! Two posts in one week. What has the world come to? Actually I am very sleepy and really want to go to bed but I just had to share our fun day at the beach. Not all of these pics are from today but most of them are. I have to say that my boys are officially beach bums! (Well Vance likes it the first little bit but then is ready to head into the tent for some R&R.) They must get that from the Rosen side. But alas with the help of Nan we packed up the boys and the stuff and more stuff and went to the beach with our friends Diane and Tyler.

I have to admit that it was actually a really fun day- well couple of hours. We played in the waves, dug a hole, threw sand, played in the waves some more had some snacks and headed home. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be and so I'm committing to take the boys to the beach more regularly. Especially if I have the help of Nan- and Pa when he's in town.

While I don't LOVE the beach (I'm much more a mountains girl) I will admit that we made some great memories today and really it's a great thing to share with the boys. Especially since we hope that we won't be here forever! But our beach adventures will have to be put on hold the next couple of weeks because we're heading to the desert! Arizona here we come!!!


LucyH said...

I'm so jealous. I want to go to the beach!

Miriam said...

Great pictures, sure enjoyed seeing you at the Mesa Temple!