Friday, April 18, 2008

More Updates: Vance

Poor Vance. With Joel I did at least a monthly update with all his new stunts. I guess it's the curse of the second born. But here's what is going on with Vance lately.

1) Vance is officially on the move. About middle of March Vance started scooting and inch worming around the house. He got really pretty good at it and moved pretty fast. He'd push himself up like he is in this picture and lunge forward. (He was so quick that he literally gave himself a blister on his big toe when I forgot to put socks on him one day). He has since discovered crawling on his hands and knees is a lot more efficient. He still goes back and forth between the two methods but loves that he can move. He's my little wiggle worm. Changing his diaper and getting him dressed are literally wrestling matches EVERY time. He just can't wait to go go go! And if that wasn't enough he is already pulling himself up and starting to cruise. Last Wednesday (4/9) Tj was unloading the dishwasher. Vance crawled into the kitchen. And when Tj turned back around Vance had pulled himself up on the dishwasher to standing. Thinking it was a fluke Tj took Vance back into the living room. Speedracer Vance headed straight back to the kitchen to the dishwasher and sure enough did it again. Since then everything has been fair game. Then Sunday Vance pulled himself up on his Bumbo but that wasn't very comfortable and so then he went from that to the toy chest. Crazy kid. Now he cruises from the toy chest to the foam tiles to his exersaucer. Or from one end of the couch to the other. So funny!

2) Vance has also started on solid foods. He's funny he always sees what we're eating and tries to make a break for it. So far though we've held off on the steak and potatoes and have given him rice cereal, peas, sweet potatoes, and green beans. He's not so fond of peas. But he'll eat them even if he sometimes gags.

3) Vance has found his voice. He has mastered the sounds "da" and "ga". He has also figured out how to squeal. Sometimes when he gets stuck from pulling up he'll just let out this squeal. It's actually kind of funny.

4) Vance loves playing with brother. So last week I put him in this laundry basket so Joel could push him around. He loved it!!! Where Joel is cautious Vance is a dare devil. When he gets stuck after pulling himself on something a lot of times when we won't come rescue him he'll just turn, tuck and bail. It is so funny to watch.

5) This picture says it all. Vance is a riot and is kind of particular. So we took him and Joel to the park the other day. The park we go to has the Astroturf grass. Vance was excited to get down and crawl around until he felt the grass. Then he wasn't so impressed. Isn't that face just classic?

6) Vance is such a good baby though. Yes sometimes he's particular but he's tough. Joel is constantly rough housing with Vance and Vance just takes it in stride. In fact it's funny because now that Vance is mobile he's turning it around on Joel. This last weekend Joel was lying on the floor and Vance crawled over to him and crawled on top of him and began "attacking" him. Mostly just trying to get Joel's hair (Vance has hair envy- lol). I think I have a long road ahead of me with these two. I foresee lots of wrestling matches, broken lamps and rough housing in my future. But they just love each other and it's all done in good fun. They just love to play together. Vance rarely cries and is just such a good natured baby. He just adds so much to our family.

Oh, yeah. I forgot to add that Vance has another first this last week. He got his first tooth. Well he's been working on it for the last month but it finally popped through. It's his bottom right front tooth. And just like his brother he's teething at least two at a time. So his bottom left one is right about ready to pop through too. Yay!

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