Sunday, July 15, 2007

Food Glorious Food

This last week we let Joel feed himself his dinner with his own spoon. Now he's been eating foods that we could cube up and he could use his fingers to eat with. But this was the first dinner casserole that he needed to use a spoon. He did a pretty good job. It's hard to tell from these pictures because you can tell he got so much on his face and bib but he did get most of it in his mouth. He was loving it!!!

And then the clean up........

Ice Cream!!!!
Joel got his first self-feeding of ice-cream on the fourth of July. Two of the little girls there decided to share their ice cream with him. Before long he had three spoons and ice cream from head to toe. The hosts were enjoying watching Joel feed himself that they wouldn't let me stop him for the sake of their carpet. He loved the ice-cream while eating it but a couple hours later it came back to hurt his stomach. Poor kid, loves milk and milk products but they give him such a stomach ache.


The other night we went to dinner and the waitress brought Tj a plate of lemons for his Diet Coke. Joel would not leave them alone so we decided to let him try one. HE LOVED THEM!!! Crazy kid. By the time he got done there was nothing left but the rind.

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