Saturday, March 17, 2007

Joel's First Wedding!

So Joel went to his first wedding yesterday. Tj's boss got married. Of course they insisted that we bring Joel- they love him and think he's the world's best baby! So we brought him. Aside from a few minor outbursts he was pretty good. Both the bride and groom mentioned later that they were so glad that Joel was there because his little outbursts made them smile and kept them from getting over emotional. Glad to be of service! lol And of course he was a hit at the reception! All the girls loved him and he got passed around- which was a little interesting at times because he's starting to get separation anxiety. But overall it was a good night.

Joel dressed to the nines with Norma- the bride.
Pretty dang cute if you ask me!

The Rosen Family
Besides my squinty eyes (the FL sun is bright!!!) it's a pretty good picture of us.
Tj was a groomsman and looks pretty handsome in that tux!

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