Saturday, March 31, 2007

Growing, Growing, Growing

So it seems like everyone in our house is growing-Growing-GROWING! Well not so much Tj but the rest of us are.
Joel had a doctor's appointment this week. I knew he was getting big. He weighed in at 22 pounds- it's no wonder my back aches after hauling him around! He was 29 1/4 inches tall. I can't believe how big he is getting. He looks like such a little boy. He went into work with me for a little bit last night and everyone in my department there was amazed at how big he was getting. People still say that he looks just like me- I'm hoping that's a compliment. lol I think he's pretty cute so I take it as a compliment.
Joel is getting quite the personality. He's pretty adventurous. He has started letting go and balancing himself once he's standing. He gets so proud of himself. It makes me smile. Tj even had him taking a few steps the other night. He'd help him balance about an arms length away and then have Joel walk towards him. Sometimes it was a control fall and sometimes they were actual steps. It was exciting! Before long we'll be chasing him as he runs around our apartment.
He's not speaking words yet but that doesn't mean he's not talking or expressing himself! Sometimes he is very vocal- especially when he's being told no. Yes, Joel has learned the art of the fit. Grrrrr- it's a lovely time. Always interesting. We're working on it- so fun! Luckily it's usually when he's tired or hungry that the fits rear their head. So we try and head them off before they show up. I suppose it's just a glimpse of what's to come. But when he throws his fits it makes me wonder where my sweet Joel went. It's a bit ironic though. Joel has begun throwing fits but he's also getting more cuddly. He's never really been one to "rock-a-bye" or cuddle, however now he will. He still has to be in the mood but it's pretty sweet to have him snuggle up to me with his blanket and resting his head on my shoulder. He's such a good boy and we're so blessed to have him.

Climbing up and over!

Joel loves his juice! And he's learned to drink
from his sippy cup straw. Mmm, yummy juice!

Standing with crazy hair!

I also had a doctor's appointment this week. I'm four and a half months pregnant now. I'm fairly certain that it's pretty obvious now. I already have a little belly. I'm not putting weight on as fast as I did with Joel- probably because I'm chasing and hauling Joel this time around!-but still healthy. In the next week or so I'll have my second ultrasound. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the baby will not be shy and let us know if it's a boy baby or a girl baby. But of course the most important part is that the doctor can check out the baby's heart and make sure he or she is growing properly. It's still pretty surreal that it was only a year ago we were going through this with Joel.

So I'm pretty excited. Joel and I are going to be out in Arizona at the end of May. I'm excited for him to see and spend time with his Grandma & Papa, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Plus I am super excited to see Angela's new baby. We can't wait! Tj unfortunately will be working and can't make the trip this time- this is his most busy time of year. Maybe next time.

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