So I have about three other posts that I have meant to post for the last week or so. But I have to share this latest story about Vance. Actually two stories. The first has to do with onions.
So I was chopping onions for dinner. Vance saw me and asked Tj to pick him up. So he exclaims, "Apple!" We explain to him that it's an onion and not an apple but he still insists that it's an apple. So Tj gives him a piece of onion. Vance takes it in his mouth, tastes it, chews it, swallows it. You can see him recognize that this is not an apple and yet struggle with the idea of being wrong/mistaken. So what does he do?! He swallows the onion and again exclaims, "Apple!" He is so stinkin' stubborn. I have no idea where he gets his stubborn antics from.
Vance is so funny! It never ceases to amaze me the things he does. So today Vance was eating Jelly Belly Beans (courtesy of Pa from his most recent trip). Of course Vance has this sticky mess all over him from straight sugar. So Tj asked him to go get something to wipe his face. Next thing we know he comes in with the end of the toilet paper roll. I have to hand it to Kleenex Contonelle Toilet Paper. It made it through two corners and half the house and didn't even tear. Now that's some strong toilet paper!
We love Vance and the spice and variety he adds to our family!