We've had some fun times lately. So here's a rundown.
A few weeks ago I went to Daytona to visit some of my friends. While I was gone Joel and Vance stayed a couple of days with Pa and Nama. Out of that visit they were introduced to "Ice Water". I don't know why they are so fascinated with ice water but you give it to them and they think you've given them liquid gold. So funny! The night I got home we had dinner with Nama and Pa. The boys helped Nama make brownies.

Making brownies with Nama.

The finished result. Yummy!
So my latest obsession has been Pei Wei. My brother and his wife introduced it to me awhile back. Every time I visit them we have to eat there. The problem when they first introduced it to me was that the closest one was over an hour away. Well now we have one literally 10 minutes away. So for special treats I love to head over there. Well last weekend really the only thing we did for Valentines day was take the boys to the park with Nama and Pa and go to Pei Wei. Joel loves the honey chicken there and the chopsticks. In fact he calls the place "chupstixs". As in "Mommy we go to chupstixs?"

Joel and his honey chicken at "Chupstix's" using chopsticks.
I don't remember exactly how it started but when we were back in Daytona Pa started taking Joel with him to get his haircut and they'd get it cut together. I of course never complained because a) I didn't have to learn to cut his hair and b) I didn't have to fight him to get his haircut. Of course Joel loved his trips with Pa and his treats to follow. (Starting with M&M's and juice.) Well the last time Pa took Vance with them. However, Vance was NOT having anything to do with the whole haircutting experience. And Pa didn't have the heart to hold him down and force him to get his haircut. (Mommy's a lot meaner than Pa!) So today I crashed the party and went with them for the haircuts. Pa went first, followed by Joel and finally it was Vances turn. Of course we were prepared. Vance took a good nap this morning and we fed them lunch before the hair cutting extravaganza (at Mickeydonalds of course). And then we were armed with Jelly Belly beans. There were a few tears shed (by both Vance and Joel) but overall it was a huge success!
So Molly is Pa and Nama's dog. She's such a great dog! The boys both adore her and love to help feed and walk her. Anyhow, she was in desperate need of a bath. So after haircuts the boys helped Pa give Molly her bath. It sounded like they were all having a good time. Well that was up until Molly gave a shaky shake and got Joel all wet. He was a little hesitant to get close to her after that. Then it was Vances turn to get a shaky shake from Molly. Needless to say it was a good thing they were about finished giving Molly a bath.

Joel, Vance and Pa with Molly after her bath.
Your boys are sooo cute. It is crazy how fast they grow up. If you ask me it is too fast. Love the stories.
I love Joel's smile in his haircut picture! To answer your question, no we haven't heard anything from the doctors office. I'm assuming no news is good news. He seems perfectly fine to me though!
You sound like you have awesome in-laws. That is so great that you are all so close! I like the haircuts! Very cute!
It's funny how a haircut can age your kids, huh? There may have been a few tears, but at least the end result was cute :-)
Oh, and jealous of the Pei Wei being that close to your house! So yummy!!
Hey girl. I have been introduced to Pei Wei here in TN. and I love it. However it is way to healthy for Borja. So I go with my girl frind. I never tried anything else, but their lettuce wrap, and brown rice. HUMMM!!! I think it time to pay them a visit actually... Love the pictures. How have you guys been?
I can't believe how grown up Vance looks!! Cute haircuts!
your boys are so cute! We also try to frequent Pei Wei
They look so grown-up! You have two hansom little boys!
Oh my gosh...the boys do looks so grown up and so cute! Vance's teeth make him look so much older:).
So, how's the no sugar challenge going? I know you can do it! Keep me posted. I'm so excited you're joining us.
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