Friday, June 11, 2010

My Joel

So with all the commotion from the DC trip and the move I failed to do my annual birthday post for Joel.

Joel still remains our little sweetheart. He truly has such a tender heart that at times it is heartbreaking as a mom. There is nothing as sad as the crocodile tears that roll down his face. He always wants to make sure everyone is happy. If I'm getting frustrated or upset he'll walk over to me and put his arm around me and ask, "Mommy are you happy?" He is very sensitive to the feelings of those around him and really just wants for everyone to be happy and content together.
Joel is such a good brother! Seriously, I don't think Vance could ask for a better brother. Joel is always finding fun new ways and coming up with new games for them to play. And when Vance is ready to do something else Joel willingly changes what he wants to do to play with Vance. He also is so good with babies. When we were around Tj's little cousin Joel would always try and make him smile, find him toys and was just so gentle around him.

Joel is the epitome of joy. When you watch him you can't help but smile. He literally walks with a bounce in his step. He has such a funny sense of humor. He loves to make people laugh and likes to be silly. He loves telling stories and especially likes telling silly stories. He has recently become fascinated with the Pink Panther. While on our trip Aunt Jenny kept the boys entranced with stories of the Pink Panther. Later Nama was able to find a few episodes online so the boys could actually see what Jenny was talking about. Now he regularly likes to tell us about the silly antics of the Pink Panther.
Joel is so smart! I know all moms think their kids are so smart- I admit I'm biased but it's my blog. :) He's learning to recognize all the letters in the alphabet (both capital and lower case) and the sounds they make. He loves to read and we recently got him and Vance the set of pre-reading Bob books at Costco. He loves to read them and find all the things that start with that letter. He also likes to read just about any book. He is getting really good at counting things. I'm always so surprised when he tells me exactly how many of something there are and he's right because he actually counted them! He is also getting pretty good at basic addition. Now, let me make this clear- this is in no wise bragging on my parenting abilities. Maybe Tj is grilling him on these things but in general I think that he is just very observant and picks up on these basic skills on his own because I know he's not getting it from me most of the time! :) He also is very good at "reading" signs. He will tell us what certain signs mean (mommy, that's a stopping sign you need to stop) or will ask what signs mean. The funniest one was when we were on the airplane he saw the no smoking sign in the brochure in the seat back. He thought it meant no painting. That's my sheltered little sweetie. :)

I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to be Joel's mom. He is truly a blessing in our home. In some ways I can't believe it's only been 4 years since he's come into our family. Now that he and Vance are getting older things are changing. In some ways life is getting a lot easier and in some ways it's getting a little harder. Having children who have their own opinions and thoughts and ways to do things is it's own challenge. But I'm grateful for the time I get to spend with them every day. Joel teaches me so much about our Savior's love. In Primary they have been learning a song called, "I know that my Savior loves me" and every time I hear Joel sing the chorus I get tears in my eyes. I know that he knows that he is loved and that he loves those around him. Joel we love you!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Come to AZ we just bought all the stuff to make those necklaces, etc.