Monday, June 21, 2010

Enjoying CA

So I know that this will sound ridiculous but I am beginning to understand why California is over populated. Here we are in the middle of June and the weather here in CA is BEAUTIFUL! It gets a bit warm in the afternoon- just in time to go swimming and it cools off nicely at night. Mid-morning is fantastic and perfect for going to the park. And one thing we LOVE about being where we are is that there is an amazing little park right across the street with a really nice walking path that goes down to the park, around the playground area and also around the entire park (which includes a huge grass field). It's such a great place for the boys to play and ride their scooters. Here are some pictures from our last trip to the park.

Vance getting ready to ride.
I LOVE this picture of him.
I also, really like this shirt- it's kind of a joke.
It says, "Strong Silent Type"
although anyone who knows Vance knows that
he is anything but silent! We love our chatterbox.

Joel riding past me on his scooter.
It was funny, he did the whole stop and pose
several times to make sure I got a picture.

Aren't these the coolest scooters?!
Vance's helmet is a little skewed but he
was having so much fun riding around the playground.

Joel climbing on the playground.
It is pretty fun to watch them explore
and climb on the big playground, Joel
is especially getting good at balancing
and climbing. I can't believe how big
they are getting. They are so much fun!

Vance stopped playing long enough for
me to get a picture of him. Unfortunately
this pose is one that we see quite often. I
know that it's typical for little boys but any
advice to making this obsession short lived
is MORE than welcome! Help :)

Another picture of Joel.
He has gotten over his aversion to the camera.

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