Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I know I've not been very good at keeping this up. I am finishing up the majority of the yearbook for Joel's school this week and then will hopefully be able to devote more time to documenting my OWN family's life. :)

Last night Joel's school had their Pajamarama for Read Across America. It was SO fun! Tj had to work late so he couldn't go with us. But the boys and I had a great time with each other and our neighbor and friends Kim and Jordan. They had the 1st and 2nd graders perform the animal pajama song- it was SO cute! Joel can't wait to be able to do it next year. :) Then they had a few of the teachers and the principal and vice principal set up in different rooms to read to the kids. The boys LOVED it! Joel especially loved that his teacher was helping read in one of the rooms (two of the kindergarten teachers teamed up). The Book Fair was also going on. We were like kids in a candy store! It is super fun to have Joel learning to read and be able to pick out books together that we'll later read together. I can't wait for Vance to learn next year and share it with him too. But we got some fun books for us all to read together!

Joel and our friend Jordan. (She has a wee crush on him, I think it's so cute!)

Joel and his friends from class.
Zach, Ryan, Jordan, Joel, Adam and Vance

Joel and Vance listening to a story.

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