Saturday, April 09, 2011

A Belated Post About the Beach

A few weeks ago a good friend of ours invited us to go with a group to the beach. The weather was perfect, the company was great and the excuse to get out of the house was irresistible. So I broke my streak. Yep, we have lived here less than an hour away from the beach for almost a year and I had never taken the boys to play at the beach. Once all of my sun and beach loving friends have picked themselves off the floor I'll continue.

So we caravaned out and spent the day enjoying the sun, the water (it was SUPER chilly), and playing in the sand with our friends.

The boys before they braved the ice water.

Vance running away from waves.

Joel and Vance playing with friends.

Joel and Vance playing more beach games.

Again playing with friends.

So now that the streak is broken I'm ready for the weather to get nice again so we can gather up some friends and hit the beach again. :)


Linda said...

I miss your posts most of the time because it doesn't show up on my blog when you share. Looks like you are enjoying CA-even though the beaches are much colder than FL! Your little guys aren't so little anymore, cute characters! I know they keep you busy and really the time does pass by so quickly. They will soon be "shaving in front of the bathroom mirror" an old family saying of ours. Then they're gone. You are a great mom!

The High Family- said...

I am so jealous! I am super ready for the snow to go away here. btw, went to florida a few weeks ago, made me sad you don't live there anymore because I totally would have come to see you!