Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Green Thumb

I think Green Thumbs must skip a generation. At least in our family they did. I have a black thumb but Vance has an incredible Green Thumb. At church about three weeks ago we had a lesson about plants. Vance's other teacher had each of the kids plant their own pea seeds and take them home. I have been AMAZED at how big Vance's plant is. He is so good about remembering to water it. I think a plant is the perfect starter pet. :)

Vance and his Pea.
(Don't you love his outfit?! Accessories make the man. lol)

The plant.
I think I'm going to need to transplant it soon.
Any tips or advice?!

Have I mentioned Vance's funny sense of humor lately?!
He must take after his dad. (See here.)
Speaking of Vance's funny sense of humor. The other day Tj was reading to him a "David" book. (As seen here.) There's a part when David is picking his nose and Tj was saying that we don't pick our noses. Vance said, "Yes we do! I do it all the time!" And then proceeded to laugh his head off. :) Such a funny kid.


jonelle said...

I love the outfit! I have a black thumb too.

Brian and Janette said...

Ha ha ha! I have a son that picks his nose all the time, too. And it seems the more I tell him not to, the more he does it. But how do you just ignore that? Ugh!

Diane said...

Good job Vance! I recently bought a basil plant and so far I've managed to keep it alive for 2 weeks. Hopefully I have as much green in my thumb as Vance!

Andrea said...

Dang, that is big! No advice here, I can't really grow anything either.