Monday, December 13, 2010

Fun with Nama!

Our trip to Idaho (almost an entire month!!) is winding down. Nama has to work tomorrow so this was our final day full day with Nama. So of course we packed in as many things from our "To Do" list today.

It started with (cheater) Ginger Bread houses. (And please excuse the skeletons aka my shirtless children. What I wouldn't do to have their metabolism.)

Getting started.

The base is completed on Vance's.

Nama helping Joel.

Decorating commences.

Vance hamming it up.

Vance's finished product.

Joel's masterpiece.

After gorging on junk it was off to take early naps. Then we had a late lunch at Olive Garden. (Yes we came all the way to Idaho to eat at Olive Garden. But it was yummy! lol) After some errands we took the boys to "Megamind" for a dinner of candy, pop and popcorn. Yes, I'm pretty sure that I'm not getting the mother-of-the-year-nutritional-rock-star award but it was a fun day. Then we raced home for peanut butter and honey before sending them off to bed. I'm sure I'll pay for this tomorrow.

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