Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Fashion Show of Sorts

We are so excited for FALL to finally arrive. While it's suppose to be very mild here in the FALL and WINTER we are excited nonetheless. And what is even better is that if we fail to appreciate the mildness of the weather here, Nama and Pa are a hop, skip and a jump away in Idaho which is definitely NOT as mild! And even more exciting is that we are going to get to go see them for THANKSGIVING! So in preparation for FALL and cooler weather Nama and Pa had sent a gift card for cool weather clothes and since there not here to see them personally here's a sneak peek!

I love these pictures. We had so much fun just because the boys were being SO funny and silly while we took the pictures. Thanks Nama and Pa! We can't wait for you to see these in person!

In other news my brother and his wife are in town this week with their kids and we CAN'T wait to see them!!!! They're on their way over as I write so look for updates with cousins!


Steve and Donna said...

cute pics of your boys :)

Brian and Janette said...

I'm pretty sure I say this all the time, but I mean it all the time, too--your boys are so stinkin' cute!!

Janet said...

Love the mohawk. :)
I just won a warmer from a friend in Tampa who does Scentsy. She sent me some samples and we LOVE the maple butter one. Anyway, she has a facebook page and asked me to become a fan and then I won it in a drawing. I know your mother in law said you deleted your facebook account so I don't know if you can have a separate page for your business if you don't have a personal account?? but my neighbors and anyone who comes over smells it and wants one. Just thought I would let you know in case you wanted a way to spread the word. Good luck! It's good stuff. :)