Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another week, another post.

So I really do try and update every week but lately it seems like things in our lives are so much the same that it really is hard to post. Life is going to get a little more interesting I suppose. Library time started last week so I take the boys there. They enjoy it and are some of the best behaved kids there (see it pays to be a mean mommy, lol). Starting next week Joel will get to go to a church run pre-school. It's only for a couple hours or so but I think he'll enjoy it and it will be good for him. I'm really excited for him and hope that he enjoys it! He has a couple friends from OUR church who will be going (it's not sponsored by our church) and so at least he'll already have a friend or two there. Vance is in the midst of potty training although if it doesn't get better soon (we've been working on it for a week) then I'll throw in the towel and try again in a couple of months. While life is pretty typical- we go to the gym, swim, play with our neighbors, etc.- it's never dull. The boys are always so silly and just crack us up. So in light of all that, here's a video clip of Vance. (And yes we make him eat with his shirt off because it makes for easier clean up. lol) Also, I guess I should mention that Vance is having a bit of an identity crisis- it's normal, we hope he grows out of it. Luckily he will still come if we call him by his name.

So without further ado I present, You wake my BABY up!


Brian and Janette said...

What a cute little squirt!

Sandy said...

that is hilarious.

The Clements Family said...

I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog, but I thought that was hilarious of Vance. I love that he knew his brother's full name. How cute!

Rob, Brooke, Caleb, Sophie and Jake said...

That's so funny! he's so cute; I love that he knows Joel's full name!