Thursday, October 16, 2008


So while much of our family is celebrating fall with sweaters, mittens, changing fall leaves and even snow we have been celebrating much differently. More specifically the boys enjoyed a nice day at the beach---- in October! The boys went to play over at Nama and Pa's house on Wednesday while I was at work. Of course they had a blast! Here are a few pictures from their trip to the beach.

Joel loves the beach! He is going to be our little cliff jumper. He loves having the run of the beach. Nama and Pa love taking the boys to the beach (the beach bum is genetic from Nama and Daddy). Can you tell that Joel is having the time of his life?! Nothings better than a day at the beach for Joel- especially with Nama and Pa spoiling him the whole day. : )

Vance enjoys the beach too. He likes the beach but could live with or without it. I was told that he had fun, although you couldn't tell from this picture. lol

The boys continue to grow and do funny silly things all the time.

Vance is 14 months old. (It's crazy to think that when Joel was this age I was about ready to have Vance. Crazy what a year will do.) He is quite the talker. He has always wanted to communicate with us. His vocabulary seems to grow everyday. It includes: Dadda (of course), momma, up, down, more, please, hot dog, milk, drink, banana, cracker, and cookie. He is such a mischievous kid. When we feed him in his high chair if he likes it, he'll chow down. If he doesn't he hides it behind him in his seat- or throw it off his tray. Punk! lol He loves hotdogs, crackers, bananas and milk. That is all he would eat if we'd let him. He doesn't like cheese very well though. Anything else depends on his mood. He's now loving to climb right along side Joel. He loves to do whatever Joel is doing and loves his brother. He's getting so big- the other day he even tackled Joel to the floor. I guess turn about is fair game.

Speaking of Joel. He is such a character. He's loves to sing, his current favorite song is "How Much is that Doggie in the Window?" He is a little chatterbox. Anytime we're driving it's a non-stop commentary. He chatters and talks and asks questions. He is such a great boy. He is constantly saying thank you (even if we haven't done anything) and I love you. It's such a great feeling. I always tell him that he's a sweet boy. So now he says "Joel's a sweet boy and Mommy's a lady." Sometimes daddy is a shirt and sometimes he's a lady and sometimes (rarely!!!) he says, "Daddy's a man!" Joel is also quite mischievous. One afternoon Joel decided he wanted to take a nap with Vance in his crib. Silly mommy gave him the chance. Ever since Joel tries (and often succeeds) to climb across the dresser and jumps into Vance's crib. Unfortunately this means that Joel often keeps Vance awake and/or wakes him up. We've started moving Vance's crib away from the edge of the dresser. Needless to say we'll have a different furniture placement in the new house.


LucyH said...

Just stop Manda. It really isn't fair that you get to go to the beach this time of year!!!! Lucky girl!

Courtni said...

Hey Manda...just one of TJ's stalking friends checking your blog again :-)

Your kids sound hysterical...I love reading your adventures and stories. Good luck getting ready for your upcoming move "west."

The High Family- said...

Did I tell you that it snowed last week? I wish I was joking. I am so jealous!!

lhhadley said...


Long time no comunicarnos. How are things? Give me a call so we can chat.

-Landon Hadley

Tj said...

That shot of Joel 'cliff jumping' is classic. Just wait until Dad takes him jumping :) I'll show you the pictures next time we're at Mom and Dads.