Friday, October 03, 2008


So yet another reason we need to visit out West ASAP. Joel continues to crack us up with his words and sentences. This is the conversation we have on a regular basis:

As we're driving over an overpass-

Joel: Mommy, mountain!
Me: Where?
Joel: There
Me: The overpass?
Joel: Yes, mommy- mountain.

I don't even know where he got that. I really want him to see a REAL mountain- I want to see a real mountain!

The Three Pigs-

I was telling Joel the story of the three pigs before his nap. I got to the part where the wolf was at the last piggie's house.

Mommy: Little pig, little pig let me in. Joel, what do you think the piggies said?
Joel: oink oink oink.

I laughed so hard! Of course that's what they said.


Tj said...

Yes, and don't forget the 'pile-o-dirt on the side of the road' that was also a mountain. What have we done to our children!

Diane said...

Joel is a crack up! I love that kid! What are we going to do without you guys?!?

The High Family- said...

Hilarious! Come and visit us and Joel can see mountains everywhere!!